This will be my final Sacred Sunday post. I haven't done very well with keeping up with my Sacred Sunday posts, so I figure it's time to bow out gracefully. I'd like to thank Carla over at
Zena Musings

for giving me the opportunity to embrace my Sacred Sunday's wholeheartedly. Carla is a candle practitioner of the best kind - and get this - she has Full
Moon specials. Please visit her at Zena Moon.You won't be disappointed. Plus, you get a cool little box of matches with your order!
Now, on to my Sacred Sunday. Do ya'll get that that's a man's hat on my coffee table -- in the morning!?
I think you can tell a lot about a man by the hat he wears. :)
Coming up next - the Archetypal Wheel. Happy Sacred Sunday's to you all.
Love the hat. It speaks well for the man who wears it.
Looking forward to the archetypal wheel.
Whose hat is that? Specifically?
Why, Claudia, you know I can't kiss and tell on a blog!
So you're saying you kissed him?
Well, yes, yes I did kiss him. :)
Your living room looks cozy! Makes me want to lay down on that sofa and read.
You got yourself a cowboy?
Angela, you have already broken the "cannot kiss and tell" law, what with admitting to having kissed the owner of the hat and all, so it is beyond me to understand why you are not spilling all!!
If you can't dish on yourself, who can you dish about (in good conscience)?
Even if you insist on maintaining the good manners to keep silent, I wish you (and the cowboy) the best!
I feel it is appropriate to include a comment along less-comedic lines: I greatly enjoy reading what you write, Angela, and I'll be back (in fact, I have catching up to do, as I'm behind a few posts in my reading here).
It has been a pleasure to have you along on the Sacred Life ride. It's like any other stick around until it is time to turn off and head for your own place. I'm happy for you that you have that place, and it is a joy to visit with you.
Thanks so much. Sacred Life Sunday introduced me to many fabulous bloggers - yourself included. I'm really glad I sort of participated. :)
Thank you, Angela. Blessings & love to you!
Hi Angela! I "saw" that cowboy when you mentioned a sleeper in the house over at my blog. Good praying in that church. I have enjoyed visiting the Church of Love a few Sunday mornings myself :o)
Go get em' cowgirl!!! I love that hat and the fact that it isn't yours makes me happy that you've got some fun things going on :)
I haven't been a very good Sacred Sunday-er either.. but the other day, I decided to make an effort to do it as sometimes I really need to find sacredness and this will prod me to do so :)
seems I have lots to catch up on here.. I am back from the sea-side.. it was wonderful
Hey Angela, I really like your integrity around completing with your participation in the sacred sunday project. I'm glad to have met you through this avenue though and will continue to check in and read your blog regularly! Happy New Year! Beverly
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