Sunday, January 17, 2010

PAWS tomorrow

I'm not going to have time to write about PAWS today and give it the space it needs so I'll save it for tomorrow.

Life in the halfway house is developing a rhythm and it's a slow, soothing kind of rhythm. The weekend has been quiet with lots of time to read, journal and reflect; to study the astrology and the cards; to be with the silence.

I read "The Biology of Belief" by Bruce Lipton and while a lot of it was over my head I get the gist of it. I've read Candace Pert and Gregg Braden and they're all coming up with the same thing: science and spirit are finding their way back to each other, and we're all going to be the better for it. Kind of crazy we ever had to separate them, but that's just how the cookie crumbles as they say. Bruce coined a new term which I love: Survival of the Most Loving. That would be as opposed to survival of the fittest for which we of course have Mr. Darwin to thank. Don't you like loving much better? I do. Plus, it gives me more of a chance at said survival. I'm getting pretty good at loving.

And right now I'm sending love out to all of you. May you have a peaceful moment of contentment, a heartfelt warming of love and a most blessed day.


Unknown said...

So good to hear from you! Sounds like some interesting books too, it is very odd that science and spirit were ever seperated, many of the scientists I know are also so spiritual, hmmmm?

Can't wait to hear more about PAWS.

oxox Gabi

thailandchani said...

I absolutely *love* Bruce Lipton! One of my favorites. (And, yes, some of it is over my head, too... LOL)

Science and spirituality are very compatible, from all I've studied... and life will be much better when we get rid of the dualism.

Looking forward to PAWS, too!


Anonymous said...

Nice dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you seeking your information.

Rick Hamrick said...

There are so many signs of the coming of a unification of not only spirit and science, but other aspects of our lives where a schism developed and created two where there once was one. It's Love which heals such wounds.

It is great to hear of your finding the rhythm of the house, Angela, and that it is one you find peaceful!