Monday, July 30, 2007

Some supplements I wouldn't want to do without

As more information comes in on supplements, it's becoming clear that the most optimal way to get all the vitamins and nutrients we need is from our food. If you're eating a varied, mostly plant-based and organic diet, your body will most likey obtain the vital ingredients for health and well-being.

There are, however, some supplements I've discovered along my path that can help with specific and oftentimes temporary problems that may be experienced in recovery. I'll list them below, what they help with, and why. Please! I want to hear about what helps you.

Glutamine - Glutamine is an amino acid that can stop alcohol cravings dead in their tracks. Heavy alcohol use can block the uptake of amino acids and neurotransmitters, so fewer receptors are filled. This can create cravings, anxiety, depression and all-around unstable moods. The following is taken from

Glutamine improves the immune system's ability to manufacture white blood cells that in turn fight infection. Supplementing your body with nutrients such as Glutamine assists the body in resisting outside assaults from pathogenic micro-organisms (unfriendly bacteria).

Glutamine is the major component in making essential neuro-transmitters.(21) Research has demonstrated improvements in memory retention, cognitive ability, and problem solving when Glutamine was supplemented in the diet. Glutamine enables the body to maintain constant blood sugar levels.(22) This state of steady blood sugar balance is necessary for optimal brain function since the brain utilizes glucose (blood sugar) as a primary source of fuel in addition to oxygen.

When the brain has adequate glucose to draw on, muscle stores of glucose are preserved. When an individual does not eat enough complex carbohydrates to replace energy needs, the body will liberate, or breakdown, stored sugars from the muscle to feed the brain. The net result is a tired, weak and stressed individual.

It's my opinion, and that's all it is folks, that glutamine is so beneficial to alcoholics in recovery, especially early recovery, due to its blood sugar balancing effects.

B-vitamins - B-vitamins are excellent stress reducers. All B-vitmains are essential, but for alcoholics B-6 may be the most beneficial. From "Seven Weeks to Sobriety" by Joan Matthews Larson, Ph.D.: (Order from link at bottom of page.)

Pyridoxine (vitamin B-6) is needed for formation of fifty different enzymes and is essential for the metabolism of all the amino acids and their conversion into neurotransmitters. We also need B-6 to maintain a stable immune system. Deficiencies are common among alcoholics. Symptons include anxiety, nervousness and depression.

Calcium-Magnesium - This is the good sleep supplement. Also from "Seven Weeks to Sobriety":

Alcoholics excrete great amounts of both calcium and magnesium in their urine: twenty minutes after drinking one ounce of alcohol, urinary calcium ouptut increases by 100 precent, magnesium by 167 percent. During detoxification, inadequate calcium levels can cause painful leg cramps, insomnia, nervousness, slow reflexes and emotional instability. A magnesium deficiency interferes with your ability to sleep and can make you irritable, depressed and dizzy.

Milk Thistle

From the University of Maryland Medical Center:

Milk thistle ( Silybum marianum ) has been used since Greco-Roman times as an herbal remedy for a variety of ailments, particularly liver problems. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries physicians in the United States used milk thistle seeds to relieve congestion of the liver, spleen, and kidneys. Today, several scientific studies suggest that active substances in milk thistle (particularly silymarin) protect the liver from damage caused by viruses, toxins, alcohol, and certain drugs such as acetaminophen (a common over the counter medication used for headaches and pain; acetaminophen, also called paracetamol, can cause liver damage if taken in large quantities or by people who drink alcohol regularly.)

Many professional herbalists recommend milk thistle extract for the prevention and/or treatment of various liver disorders including viral hepatitis, fatty liver associated with long term alcohol use, and liver damage from drugs and industrial toxins such as carbon tetrachloride.

If you drink like I did, your liver is wanting some serious support in repairing the damage done. Mother Earth has given us this wonderful herb for just that purpose. I love Milk Thistle!

As an alcoholic and a human being, you won't do yourself any harm by taking additional Vitamins C and E and the mineral potassium. I considered putting recommended doses in, but the recommendations vary so much, I'll leave it up to you to so some research for yourself. You're not gonna OD on any of this stuff!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Full Moon in Aquarius

Astrology is one of the passions I've discovered in my sobriety. I like to use astrology to ask myself the big questions. What is life about? What are we all doing here? How can I utilize the energies available to awaken and encourage the best parts of me? Astrology brings life to the mysterious language of the universe, giving us archetypes, gods, goddesses and tools to work with, if we wish, to not only integrate, but expand our vision of the world, what it is and what it can be. It provides a framework for discovering our unique contribution and a pathway to the manifestation of that contribution.

Each month I'll write a post on the new and full moons. At the new moon I set intentions I hope to bring to fruition during the cycle that peaks with the full moon and culminates at the next new moon. I find this to be an invaluable and absolutely fun recovery tool. It helps me stay focused on what's important and what I really want to be pursuing in my life. It's so easy to get sidetracked.

The full moon shines her light from the sign of Aquarius tonight at 7:47 p.m. EST. Aquarius is the sign of the innvoator and the rebel. Aquarians tend to light the way for the rest of us and use their imagination and resourcefulness for the good of the community. Uranus, planet of disruption, lightining-quick change and all manner of delightful and not-so-delightful surprises, rules this sign. Aquarius' natural home in the zodiac is the 11th house, house of friends and allies, hopes and wishes. You will recognize your 11th house friends by their ability to be a catalyst for change in your life, whether you welcome it or not.

The Full Moon in Aquarius asks us to examine how we offer our special gifts to the world. Are we generous and open with our talents? Do we hold back knowledge that would benefit the rest of the community? How can we say thank you to the universe for the gift of life and express our gratitude with action? Can we pay homage to Uranus by surprising ourselves today? Can we thank our 11th house friends by courageously standing in our own power and offering it back with to them?

My favorite astrology resources on the web are:
Eric Frances is an incomparable astrologer, journalist, writer, photographer and human being. This site is subscriber supported (NO ADVERTISING - YAHH!! ERIC!) but there's plenty of free stuff to intice you away from your money. Not only is the site rich with information, political and personal, but it's just damned beautiful.

Rob Bresny will fire your imagination with his horoscopes and his dead-on, in-your-face, get-real-with-it, intuition. This is astrology at its most playfully serious.

Talk about resources. Put in your birth data and see how all the planets line up with your natal chart, enter your lover's data and see where your strengths and challenges are as a couple, put in your mother's data and see her as a person and not just your mother.
Anita Doyle, my personal astrologer and angel.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Super-powered sobriety drink

It's the heat of summer and I've been experimenting with some great, healthy non-alcoholic beverages to enjoy. This one is my favorite so far.

Angela's Super Powered Sobriety Drink

3 green tea bags (I like Good Earth green tea with lemongrass)
3-4 chamomile tea bags
honey to taste
2 tbsp. dried lavender blossoms

Steep the tea bags for 15-20 minutes, add honey to sweeten. Add lavender blossoms for up to, but not more than, 5 minutes. The lavender will scorch if left longer than that and you'll lose the great taste. Pour through a strainer and add water to 1/2 gallon. Refrigerate or pour over ice.

This tea is yummy, yummy and is great for you. The green tea is loaded with antioxidants and the chamomile and lavender are excellent nervous system soothers. Honey has enzymes that sugar doesn't and your body will just love them.

Enjoy in good sobriety! P.S. Use organic whenever possible!!